Friday, 24 September 2010

Virginia Creeper

I just love this plant, it heralds the proper start of autumn for me.  Lovely weather too, just a nip in the air, very blustery and really blew the cobwebs away.




Whitey G said...

I hope you had a lovely time with the babies today! I'll do my best to try and get some sort of blog going over the weekend! I've been rubbish!

Lots of love! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

zenfrogyeah said...

Had great time with them all, soo cute always. Hope to see you soon. love you and have a good day xxx

Whitey G said...

Hello, I've finally got around to looking properly at your blog and looking at some of the links! I'm finding Zenhabits my favourite so far.

Also! I had some empty time today and just listened to some Classic FM and sat quietly and did nothing. You would have been proud, haha.

See you soon!
