Tuesday, 31 August 2010

I love James May

Lots more to follow on this but my family are here now and I have to go.  

I'm  back to tell you the whole story about this James May guy. He's actually got a twitter account in the name of @fiatpanda in which he denies he's James May, he says he's Mames Jay, well, seems a funny thing to me to have a twitter account not in the name of James May but then have 'I'm not James May, I'm Mames Jay' all over the background of your page, and a blog stating the same thing. Why would people think he was James May in the first place if he hadn't written that?

I guess I could try and go back to his first tweet, if they're kept that long, but so far I haven't tried.  I've gone back a little way to see if there's any clues I can jump on and retweet back to him, saying 'yeah baby, look, you must be James May, look here what you said!  Sadly so far I can't find any clues.

He's got 10 thousand followers and you don't get that many unless you are indeed someone, but then another twitterer told me they follow a 'celeb' who has the same amount and they also are fake.  That kind of baffled me, why would people follow a fake unless the fake was interesting enough in their own right to follow even if not a celebrity.

This will be the case with James May I think, if he really does turn out not to be James May, then I will continue to follow him as he's a funny guy and a great writer, from the few blog posts I've read and his very witty tweets.  He must be a professional writer at the very least, but for now I'm content he is, in fact, James May!

I've followed him for a long while and I'm what calls a 'denier', which basically means I'm a bit stupid and gullible, but I can't help it, no, I can't.  I've read his blog and I see some people have left comments agreeing that he's not James May.  I, though, will still live the dream.

Anyway, yesterday we had a long twitter conversation about pooing in space, mothers, and the fact he wasn't James May, and the upshot was I asked him to follow me, he said not if I kept banging on about washing machines, which made me laugh, to think of the great man reading about my mundane rubbish.

I promised to desist on washing machine talk and lo and behold he gave me a 48 hour trial period and then followed me!!!

I was so excited and have page printed the fact and offer it here as proof.  In fact, when I had a message to my email stating that Mames Jay was following me it also said Stephen Fry was following me!  I rushed back to twitter, scanned through my followers and it was indeed so.  I don't know how I missed this but it was back in the day when the blog was about higher education, so thank you Stephen for following me, and his is a verified account.  He does follow a lot of people though but this has my celeb count of followers up to a mighty 3!!

And here is the proof, Mames Jay/James May nestled between two strange random followers!

PS.  At least we now know who the Stig is for sure.

Edited to add I have looked round the @BBC_TopGear page on twitter and they do indeed out him as not being James May but with all the stuff surrounding the Stig, I guess I'm not paying too much mind to that.

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